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report #2*0
a zombie apocalypse
-03:48, 2202/01/01
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i had this dream when i was 8. im 19 now, so you know
how traumatizing this must have been for it to be
so terminally engrained in my memory.

still one of the most horrifying
nightmares i've ever had
til this day.
fire. crashes. pitch dark sky full of screams. i sat in a broken car, desperately trying to ignore
the rotting bodies one window away from me. my head pulsated to the rhythm of my
heartbeat. mom said she just needs to grab some canned food in the
supermarket, then she will come back to me. we will drive away,
and i will be



suddenly my perspective shifted. i was above all else. i saw the car burried in infected people.
i saw people from afar screaming and crying, running for their lives.
i heard the sound of fire dancing on flesh. living flesh; rotting flesh.
i heard the sound of people gnawing on other people.

i saw my mother fighting her way to our car.
i saw my mother, her dress torn, her hair pulled–––––

i saw her crumbled, rot, languised.
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