Informal Observation Report #2*8
Patient: _nknown     |     Date: -07:38, 2202/80/80     |     Narcotics: Saccarum Officiarum derivative
Note: Patient was very enthusiastic waking up
not a significant date, don't worry about it :)

they were all classmates of mine. in real life. i vividly remembered their countenance as they held my
hand and guided me through doors, after doors, after doors; the endless matrix that was desperately
trying to engulf me, alive.

what was the matrix supposed to represent? i actually can't tell you, even if i try to. i do know i was
struggling with impostor syndrome
at the time, so maybe it had
something to do with that.

all i know for sure was the fact that my classmates appeared in
my dream.
weirdly. interestingly.

“...he held my hand
throughout the entirety of
our escape, running away
from god-knows-who.”

the first person whose face rendered clearly was my first crush, let's call him T.

T was special. T was the first person to ever show romantic interests in me. i doubt he was genuine (because, you know, we were 11, and he was famous for being an up-and-rising player), but my feelings toward him were real.

i couldn't care less about the guy at the time he appeared in my dream though, which is why his appearance was so fascinating. i've moved on from my tiny little crush for about 4 years now--in retrospect, was my dream trying to tell me something? anyway.

he held my hand throughout the entirety of our escape, running away from god-knows-who. we arrived at an exit door, you know, a typical- building-exit door. he stopped and looked at me.

“i can only be with you until here.”

then he pushed me into the now-opened exit door. blinding white light swallowed my body until all there was where i stood was a frail shadow.

i'm just a
interestingly, the second person's name also starts with a T... what is this, T's having a reunion inside my dream? not the ideal location, i could tell you that.
this T... i rarely spoke to him during class, and we had 3 classes together in high school. he was big, strong, and chill. very nice, too. i've always had a 'fascination' toward him. i found him super interesting, you know, because he never speaks. he was so quiet. i wanted to know what was going on inside his brain. i wanted to study him. i never did, because i was a coward. also, you shouldn't treat people like little experiments.
in my dream, he appeared out of nowhere, looked at me worriedly, and started running. what the hell. was he there to save me or am i the 'chaser' now? i just followed him. we ran through a flower field, some classrooms, and some empty storage rooms, the kind they show in japanese animated movies. glitch. he held my hand as we make our way through absolute darkness and a fire.